Twitter Hashtag TrackingAnalyzing the activity around a hashtag on twitter can help you identify the influencers, find useful links, analyze trends and more. If this article we look at 3 different tools that focus on twitter hashtag tracking. So let’s get this party started!

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1. Analyze Twitter chats with TweetBinders

Twitter chats are conversations on twitter scheduled at a particular time and based around a topic defined by a hashtag.   For example, #blogchat hosted by Mack Collier is a weekly twitter chat which talks about blogging. Using Tweetbinders you can analyze a twitter chat to see who is engaged in the conversation, who is most influential, what tweets were shared, what links are shared etc. The term ‘binder’ is used within the product to discuss a grouping.   It’s like having a file system with binders.  You separate information out into categories that make sense. The following shows stats for the people in the tweetchat that were the most active and it separates them by different criteria.  This can be very useful to find a group of people that are worth following based on their interest in a topic relevant to your business.

See who is most active and who is most influential

You can then filter the conversation to see what links were shared out, retweets, images etc.  The following shows a filtered view of tweets with only links included.  This can be useful to see what content people are referencing within their tweets.

TweetBinder Links
This shows only the tweets that had links in it.

You can also view overall analytics which shows you the total tweets related to a conversation over a period, retweets, links etc.

Tweetbinder analytics
Tweetbinder shows you analytics overall for a particular period


2. Analyze Your Hashtag with a Monitoring Tool

Instead of a using a purpose built tool for hashtag monitoring you can use a traditional social media monitoring tool which monitors and tracks conversations. Once such tool is Brand24. Brand24 is a really good tool for doing detailed monitoring on your brand and/or keywords. Enter in the hashtag you want to monitor and Brand24 will retrieve details of mentions of this hashtag across many channels e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. You can see in the following chart it shows the number of mentions per day for the hashtag.  You can also view all the mentions and filter them by channel.  

Brand24 Main Dashboard

  You an then view the accounts that have the most influence sending out content with the hashtag included.  In the following example the ‘authors’ are displayed in order of top influence.  

View more influential people sharing out your content

There are many other options on Brand24 to look at various filters of the content.  You can also set up email alerts.   Overall this is really useful for hashtags tracking ! 

3. Hash Tracking – Real-time tracking for events and campaigns

Hash tracking provides detailed analytics based around a hashtag you want to track.  It is used a lot at conferences.    If you’re a conference organizer you’ll probably want to see a graph similar to the following to understand the traffic generated:

Hashtracking Report
Detailed analytics providing an overview of activity related to a hashtag

When you drill down into users you can view who was tweeting the most and see how many followers they have.  You can then follow the most relevant people.  So if people are interacting with a hashtag and this is relevant to your business and they have a lot of followers these could be good followers to have!

Identify the influential users that are talking about topics relevant to your business


Hashtag Tracking Tools Summary

The analytics on traffic generated through hashtags can be very useful.  If you begin to track and analyse activity you can start adjusting the next events or twitter chat to adjust based on feedback. What twitter hashtag analytic tools have you used?  Will you use any of the above?

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